Republic of Korea Korea Flag

The Republic of Korea ratified the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control on May 16, 2005. In 2005, the ITC Project partnered with researchers at the Korea National Cancer Center, Republic of Korea to create the ITC Korea Survey. Three waves of the first adult smoker cohort aged 19 and older of the ITC Korea (KR) Survey were conducted in 2005, 2008, and 2010. In 2016, a second cohort of ITC Korea (KOR) Survey was established with the research teams from the Korea National Cancer Center and Seoul National University. In 2020, a third cohort of ITC Korea (KRA) Survey was established with research teams from Korea Health Promotion Institute, Korea National Cancer Center, Seoul National University, and other leading researchers in the Republic of Korea.

Requests can be made to to obtain the Korean Surveys.

Survey Overview

Survey Mode: Computer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI)
Wave Survey Dates Survey Sample Size
KR1-Cohort1 December 1 to 20, 2005 1,002 Smokers
KR2-Cohort1 October 15 to December 19, 2008 1,818 (1,737 Smokers and 81 Quitters)
KR3-Cohort1 October 6 to December 10, 2010 1,753 (1,560 Smokers and 193 Quitters)
KOR1-Cohort2 June 7 to July 20, 2016 2,000 Smokers
Survey Mode: Web Interview
Wave Survey Dates Survey Sample Size
KRA1-Cohort3 June 19 to 28, 2020 4,740 (1,899 Smokers, 165 Quitters*, 45 NVP Users, 112 HTP Users, 227 Cigarette-NVP Dual Users, 1,123 Cigarette-HTP Dual Users, 51 NVP-HTP Dual Users, 514 Triple Cigarette-NVP-HTP Users, and 604 Non-Users), *Quitters=quit cigarettes within 2 years, using either NVP, HTP, or both, and not using any products at all
KRA2-Cohort3 November 3 to December 13, 2021 4,467 (1,825 Smokers, 84 Quitters*, 67 NVP Users, 153 HTP Users, 165 Cigarette-NVP Dual Users, 1,123 Cigarette-HTP Dual Users, 44 NVP-HTP Dual Users, 444 Triple Cigarette-NVP-HTP Users, 562 Non-Users), *Quitters=quit cigarettes within 2 years, using either NVP, HTP, or both, and not using any products at all
KRA3-Cohort3 March 31 to May 15, 2023 4,769 (1,879 Smokers, 146 Quitters, 68 NVP Users, 129 HTP Users, 70 Cigarette-NVP Dual Users, 1,546 Cigarette-HTP Dual Users, 26NVP-HTP Dual Users, 273 Triple Cigarette-NVP-HTP Users, 632 Non-Users), *Quitters=quit cigarettes within 2 years, using either NVP, HTP, or both, and not using any products at all
KRA4-Cohort3 February 23 to April 15, 2024 4,747 (1,801 Smokers, 287 Quitters, 86 NVP Users, 326 HTP Users, 53 Cigarette-NVP Dual Users, 1,156 Cigarette-HTP Dual Users, 37 NVP-HTP Dual Users, 315 Triple Cigarette-NVP-HTP Users, 686 Non-Users), *Quitters=quit cigarettes within 2 years, using either NVP, HTP, or both, and not using any products at all



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