About the ITC Project
The International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Project (the ITC Project) is the first-ever international cohort study of tobacco use. Its overall objective is to measure the psychosocial and behavioural impact of key national level policies of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC). The ITC Project is a collaborative effort with international health organizations and policymakers inĀ 31 countries so far, inhabited by >50% of the world's population, >60% of the world's smokers, and >70% of the world's tobacco users.

In each country, the ITC Project is conducting prospective cohort surveys to assess the impact and identify the determinants of effective tobacco control policies in each of the following areas:
- Health warning labels and package descriptors
- Smoke-free legislation
- Pricing and taxation of tobacco products
- Communication and education
- Cessation
- Tobacco advertising and promotion
In 2016, the ITC Project expanded its tobacco policy evaluation surveys to study the use of vaping and other nicotine delivery products (such as heated tobacco products) and to evaluate and inform policies to manage the use of these products. The ITC Project is studying the following within and across countries:
- Psychosocial beliefs and norms
- Patterns of e-cigarette and tobacco use; reasons for use
- Sources of purchase
- Impact of policies (health warnings, flavor bans, nicotine reduction, advertising/marketing bans, smoke-free policies, price/tax policies)
Download the infographic below here or read more about ITC in our brochure.