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Japan ratified the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) on June 8, 2004. In 2018, the ITC Project in collaboration with researchers at the Japan National Cancer Center and Japan Cancer Society established the ITC Japan (JP) Survey. The ITC Project in collaboration with researchers at Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center conducted in 2018, the ITC Japan-Canada Heated Tobacco Products (JCH) Survey. Fieldwork in Japan consisted of both a survey and a urine collection component in the two countries. In both surveys, tobacco users and non-users are adults aged 20 and older.

Survey Overview

Survey Mode: Web Interview
Wave Survey Dates Survey Sample Size
JP1 February 3 to March 2, 2018 4,615 (3,288 Smokers, 74 HTP Users, 549 Cigarette-HTP Dual Users, 168 Quitters*, 536 Non-Users) *Quitter=quit cigarettes within 2 years, using HTP less than weekly
JP2 December 7, 2018 to January 25, 2019 4,222 (1,807 Smokers, 621 HTP Users, 882 Cigarette-HTP Dual Users, 453 Quitters*, 459 Non-Users) *Quitter=quit cigarettes within 2 years, using HTP less than weekly
JP3 May 16 to June 17, 2020 4387 (1,836 Smokers, 767 HTP Users, 890 Cigarette-HTP Dual Users, 344 Quitters*, 550 Non-Users) *Quitter=quit cigarettes within 2 years, using HTP less than weekly
JP4 July 2 to August 23 2021 4,254 (1,761 Smokers, 755 HTP Users, 890 Cigarette-HTP Dual Users, 344 Quitters*, 595 Non-Users) *Quitter=quit cigarettes within 2 years, using HTP less than weekly
JCH - JP November 14, 2018 to January 31, 2019 368 (75 Smokers, 140 HTP Users, 78 Cigarette-HTP Dual Users, 75 Non-Users)



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