ITC Project. (2019, October). Findings from the 2016 ITC Four Country Smoking and Vaping Survey. Addiction, 114 (Suppl 1).

Supplement Articles

Predicting the future of smoking in a rapidly evolving nicotine market‐place
K. Michael Cummings, Geoffrey T. Fong

Methods of the ITC Four Country Smoking and Vaping Survey, wave 1 (2016)
Mary E. Thompson, Geoffrey T. Fong, Christian Boudreau, Pete Driezen, Grace Li, Shannon Gravely, K. Michael Cummings, Bryan W. Heckman, Richard O'Connor, James F. Thrasher, Georges Nahhas, Ron Borland, Hua-Hie Yong, Ann McNeill, Sara C. Hitchman, Anne C. K. Quah

Characteristics of nicotine vaping products used by participants in the 2016 ITC Four Country Smoking and Vaping Survey
Richard J. O'Connor, Brian V. Fix, Ann McNeill, Maciej L. Goniewicz, Maansi Bansal- Travers, Bryan W. Heckman, K. Michael Cummings, Sara Hitchman, Ron Borland, David Hammond, David Levy, Shannon Gravely, Geoffrey T. Fong

A new classification system for describing concurrent use of nicotine vaping products alongside cigarettes (so‐called ‘dual use’): findings from the ITC‐4 Country Smoking and Vaping wave 1 Survey
Ron Borland, Krista Murray, Shannon Gravely, Geoffrey T. Fong, Mary E. Thompson, Ann McNeill, Richard J. O'Connor, Maciej L. Goniewicz, Hua-Hie Yong, David T. Levy, Bryan W. Heckman, K. Michael Cummings

Reasons for regular vaping and for its discontinuation among smokers and recent ex‐smokers: findings from the 2016 ITC Four Country Smoking and Vaping Survey
Hua-Hie Yong, Ron Borland, K. Michael Cummings, Shannon Gravely, James F. Thrasher, Ann McNeill, Sara Hitchman, Elizabeth Greenhalgh, Mary E. Thompson, Geoffrey T. Fong

Indicators of cigarette smoking dependence and relapse in former smokers who vape compared with those who do not: findings from the 2016 International Tobacco Control Four Country Smoking and Vaping Survey
Ann McNeill, Pete Driezen, Sara C. Hitchman, K. Michael Cummings, Geoffrey T. Fong, Ron Borland

Predicting vaping uptake, vaping frequency and ongoing vaping among daily smokers using longitudinal data from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Four Country Surveys
Gary Chan, Kylie Morphett, Coral Gartner, Janni Leung, Hua-Hie Yong, Wayne Hall, Ron Borland

Discussions between health professionals and smokers about nicotine vaping products: results from the 2016 ITC Four Country Smoking and Vaping Survey
Shannon Gravely, James F. Thrasher, K. Michael Cummings, Janine Ouimet, Ann McNeill, Gang Meng, Eric N. Lindblom, Richard J. O'Connor, Mary E. Thompson, Sara C. Hitchman, David Hammond, Bryan W. Heckman, Ron Borland, Hua-Hie Yong, Tara Elton-Marshall, Maansi Bansal-Travers, Coral Gartner, Geoffrey T. Fong

A modeling approach to gauging the effects of nicotine vaping product use on cessation from cigarettes: what do we know, what do we need to know?
David T. Levy, Zhe Yuan, Yameng Li, Anthony J. Alberg, K. Michael Cummings

Differences in norms towards the use of nicotine vaping products among adult smokers, former smokers and nicotine vaping product users: cross‐sectional findings from the 2016 ITC Four Country Smoking and Vaping Survey
Sarah Aleyan, Katherine East, Ann McNeill, K. Michael Cummings, Geoffrey T. Fong, Hua-Hie Yong, James F. Thrasher, Ron Borland, Sara C. Hitchman

Rules about smoking and vaping in the home: findings from the 2016 International Tobacco Control Four Country Smoking and Vaping Survey
Georges J. Nahhas, David Braak, K. Michael Cummings, Bryan W. Heckman, Anthony J. Alberg, Hua-Hie Yong, Geoffrey T. Fong, Christian Boudreau, Sara C. Hitchman, Ann McNeill

Prices, use restrictions and electronic cigarette use—evidence from wave 1 (2016) US data of the ITC Four Country Smoking and Vaping Survey
Kai-Wen Cheng, Frank J. Chaloupka, Ce Shang, Anh Ngo, Geoffrey T. Fong, Ron Borland, Bryan W. Heckman, David T. Levy, K. Michael Cummings

The impact of vaping and regulatory environment on cigarette demand: behavioral economic perspective across four countries
Bryan W. Heckman, Geoffrey T. Fong, Ron Borland, Sara Hitchman, Richard J. O'Connor, Warren K. Bickel, Jeffrey S. Stein, Hua-Hie Yong, Georges J. Nahhas, Derek A. Pope, Ce Shang, Kai-Wen Cheng, David T. Levy, K. Michael Cummings

Exposure to and perceptions of health warning labels on nicotine vaping products: findings from the 2016 International Tobacco Control Four Country Smoking and Vaping Survey
Mairtin S. McDermott, Grace Li, Ann McNeill, David Hammond, James F. Thrasher, Richard J. O'Connor, K. Michael Cummings, Ron Borland, Geoffrey T. Fong, Sara C. Hitchman

