Feb 1, 2014 | ITC United States National Report: Findings from the Wave 1 to 8 Surveys (2002-2011) | English

This report presents findings from the ITC United States Survey over 8 waves conducted between 2002 and 2011. This is an extensive report of the impact of tobacco control policies in the United States, across key policy domains.

Coinciding with the annual meeting of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT) in Seattle, Feb –8, the ITC Project released the ITC United States National Report, which presents findings from the ITC United States Survey over 8 waves conducted between 2002 and 2011. This is an extensive report of the impact of tobacco control policies in the United States, across key policy domains. The ITC United States National Report presents the US findings both over time and in comparison to other ITC countries. The results show that while the US was once a leader in tobacco control, and some progress has been made over the past decade, the failure to adopt graphic warnings, and the affordability of tobacco mean that the US has fallen behind countries like Canada and Australia. The Report urges the US government to ratify and implement the FCTC to support global efforts to reduce tobacco use.