Mar 12, 2019 | Impact of Tobacco Control Policies on Women and Children: Project Summary | English
This 27-page report consists of an Executive Summary; a summary of the findings of the 15 studies that were conducted for this project; overall project conclusions; key advocacy messages; and a complete list of references.
Key Findings and Advocacy Messages
Download Appendices:
Appendix A: Literature Review on the Impact of Smoke-free Policies on Women
Appendix B: Literature Review on the Impact of Smoke-free Policies on Children
Appendix C: Literature Review on the Impact of Health Warnings on Women
Appendix D: Literature Review on the Impact of Plain Packaging on Women
Appendix E: Literature Review on the Impact of Health Warnings on Children
Appendix F: Literature Review on the Impact of Plain Packaging on Children
Appendix I: Literature Review on the Impact of Tobacco Price and Tax Policies on Women
Appendix J: Literature Review on the Impact of Tobacco Price and Tax Policies on Children