David T. Levy


Co-Investigator, ITC Four Country, USA

Georgetown University's School of Medicine, USA

Dr. David Levy is a Professor of Oncology at Georgetown University. He is currently a principal investigator on an FDA TCORS grant (TCORS 2.0 and 3.0), an NCI International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Project grant and a National Cancer Institute CISNET Lung Group. Dr. Levy oversees the design and development of the SimSmoke tobacco policy simulation model, which has been developed for over 40 countries, and has worked extensively in applying that model with researchers in the individual countries. He has recently developed the Smoking and Vaping Model (SAVM) for evaluating e-cigarettes, and has developed a version of that model to examine the impact if cigarettes companies had started marketing very low nicotine delivery cigarettes in earlier years when the risk of smoking had become clear. As part of the ITC grant, he has conducted analyses of the impact of industry market structure on nicotine delivery product use.

Institution Profile: https://globalhealth.georgetown.edu/people/david-levy

Institution Link: https://www.georgetown.edu/